What’s a mummer anyway?


Guess I shouldn’t just assume everyone knows what a mummer is.  Here in Newfoundland, mummering is an old tradition brought over from the UK that has seen a resurgence in recent years.  There’s even a mummers’ festival which includes an annual parade. https://www.mummersfestival.ca/

Mummering typically takes place during the 12 days of Christmas. People dress up in bizarre costumes and even change their speech (speaking while inhaling is popular). Individuals go from house to house–they sing and dance and a drink while the hosts try to guess who they are.


The mummers I created 20 years ago were  inspired by my friends who grew up seeing them at Christmas. They were created based on these stories alone with no visual reference.  As I sold them, people shared more stories and ways of dress that they remembered from their childhood.  Essentially, my designs were based on these stories and there was a very symbiotic relationship between the product and the customer.

Over the years, as more imagery of the tradition became available my work began to incorporate those influences as well.  The pieces I have today are a blend of both early and later influences.